Tuesday, April 20, 2010

riddle me this-cupcakes and cake

i licked the windows on the short bus today(means i was acting stupid sorry dint mean to offend nobody)

-and i came across this video its a song about a cup cake and then it made me think back to my lil cusins b-day party and what my older cus asked me the question was "why do cupcakes taste so much better than cake" i couldnt think of an answer until now yup lickin the windows made me a wise cookie any who so as i thought about it i came up with this answer."the reason why cupcakes taste so much sweater is because they dont last as long as cake" and that made me come up with this metaphor wich was "the cupcake is represents life because we are not imortal it makes life so much more sweeter to enjoy and savor just like a cupcake" yuppers told you the window licking made me wise.haha but any way the moral of this blog is to enjoy every bit of life and savor it and also to make every day as sweet as can be. even if its a bad one im sure you can find a sweet spot out of it.


M.C loves ya

song by: Jennie Mahood check her out on myspace and youtube shes very good