Saturday, March 27, 2010

#1question of the day/march 27

so a real quick question that bugs me is... why do we constantly pick at ourselves or others pointing out whats wrong with us or someone else? i mean we cant expect to have such perfect lifestyles i mean we all have our imperfection and were only human to have them. i mean you could be a rose and be imperfect but don't you notice that no matter what that rose is still beautiful with or without that why cant we just except that imperfection and maybe we might actually get something good out of. and i know its so cliche to hear this but its so true we have gotta except ourselves not only the good parts but also the imperfect sides otherwise whose going to except us and its the same in a relationship now I've never been in one yet (yes its sad but i figure i need to learn to enjoy myself first before i enjoy a relationship) im pretty sure you gotta except that person as a whole as well as yourself.

so except all of you as well as others i know its hard not to judge some people (a thing im working on as well)but we can at least give them a chance

remember eat pray love